A rumor is circulating on social media that Army veteran Noah Galloway was the “runner-up” for the Arthur Ashe Courage Award, but ESPN confirms there is no such thing. The sports network said it was awarding the former Olympian for her bravery in coming out as transgender.“[Jenner] has shown the courage to embrace a truth that had been hidden for years, and to embark on a journey that may not only give comfort to those facing similar circumstances, but can also help to educate people on the challenges that the transgender community faces,” ESPY Awards executive producer Maura Mandt said in a press release. However, soon after ESPN’s announcement, people on Twitter began sharing a photo, claiming that Jenner had beaten out Noah Galloway for the award. The photo reads:
Caitlyn Jenner won the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. The runner up was this guy: Army Veteran Noah Galloway, who lost an arm and a leg to a roadside bomb in Iraq, and now competes in Crossfit events, runs marathons, and competed in the 58-hour Death Race. People were outraged by the claim that Galloway was chosen as “runner-up” to Jenner. The only problem is this rumor is completely untrue. ESPN confirmed to BuzzFeed News there is no such thing as a “runner-up” to the Arthur Ashe Courage Award.