While many may be wary of messing with Chelsea Handler (after all, she loves pulling pranks on her pals), it turns out, the real celeb we should be looking out for is Andy Richter. The 39-year-old comedienne recently appeared on Conan where she attempted to poke fun at Conan’s sidekick, but unfortunately for Handler (and lucky for us all), Richter was ready with a perfect comeback.
Handler was addressing the video that made the Internet rounds where Jason Biggs is urinating on her as she swims in the ocean, which prompted the TV personality to ask both Conan and Richter if they enjoy the ocean. “I like the ocean very much,” Richter responded as the funnygal, with a tinge of mischief in her eyes, saw the opportunity to mock the writer. “That’s great. Do you float a lot in the ocean?” she deadpanned as the audience erupts into laugher.
Richter, however, was one step ahead of Handler, and instead of hiding his face in shame, he flashed a silly expression and replied, “Sure do you sink?” before throwing out the ultimate zing.
“It might be that cast iron heart,” he said as both Chelsea and Conan burst into a fit of giggles.
Touché, Richter, touché.