It looks like its not all about Rogue in this new “Rogue Cut” of X-Men: Days of Future Past. 20th Century Fox has released a new hot and steamy clip featuring Beast, who is played by Nicholas Hoult and Mystique, who is played by Jennifer Lawrence rekindling their relationship. In X-Men: First Class, a relationship between Mystique and Beast was derailed by his overwhelming desire to fit in. Outside of some long glances, Mystique and Beast didn’t really address that defunct relationship in Days of Future Past, however, a newly-released deleted scene shows the two hooking up. Their hot and heavy make out session comes to a screeching halt when Mystique dredges up the past. X-Men: Days of Future Past – Rogue Cut will release on Blu-ray on July 14, the 15th anniversary of the release of the original X-Men movie.