James Franco on Monday discussed his Berlinale Panorama entry I Am Michael , on which he worked as a producer and star, and up-and-comer Dane DeHaan and how his career choices mirror some of his own. Appearing during a press conference with I Am Michael director Justin Kelly , Franco was asked if he would see DeHaan in Berlinale Special entry Life , which debuts in Berlin Monday night. In the film from Anton Corbijn , DeHaan plays James Dean , who Franco had portrayed in Mark Rydell ’s James Dean . “I will see Dane DeHaan,” Franco replied.
He then pointed out that the two had more in common as DeHaan also played “Allen Ginsburg’s buddy” in Kill Your Darlings, while Franco played Ginsburg in Rob Epstein’s Howl. Quipped Franco: “I don’t know why he is so obsessed with me.”