great news for fans of dogs not being killed, Johnny Depp’s dogs will live to see another Pirates movie, and will soon leave Australia on their own private jet. Agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce, who had earlier threatened to destroy Boo and Pistol for breaching quarantine, told ABC Radio that their scheduled departure was a relief.Joyce said “I’m informed that Pistol and Boo are preparing to fly on a private jet back to the United States, which is the best news that I’ve got. Obviously there’s an investigation as to how they came out into Australia … Mr Depp decided that he’d step around our nation’s laws.”
On Thursday the minister set an ultimatum for the Hollywood actor, who snuck his dogs into Australia without going through the proper Customs process.
he said “If he doesn’t take Boo and Pistol back we do have to euthanase them. Just because he’s Johnny Depp doesn’t make him exempt from Australian laws,” .