Madonna is among the first performers announced for the upcoming 57th Grammy Awards, which will air February 8th on CBS. It will mark the fifth time she has taken the Grammy stage. The seven-time Grammy Award winner last performed on the show just a year ago, with Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. The 57th Grammy Awards comes two days before Madonna’s new single, “Living For Love,” will officially begin its promotion to U.S. radio. It’s the lead track from the Rebel Heart album, which will be released on March 10 through Interscope Records. On Tuesday morning, the Grammys confirmed her as a performer and announced that Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran, Eric Church and AC/DC also will perform at the Grammys
Video · Grammy Awards: Madonna, Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran Among Performers
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Celebrities Ariana Grande Ed Sheeran Madonna