The cost of Kim Kardashian‘s platinum blonde hair color has been revealed. The 34-year-old Keeping Up with the Kardashians star recently bleached her hair platinum blonde, and then went even lighter a few days later. In the latest issue of Us Weekly, one Kardashian’s colorists, Lorri Goddard, reveals just how much it cost the reality star to get platinum blonde locks. On March 3, Goddard went to Kardashian’s house to do the transformation. Apparently, the new look took four hours to do, and it cost Kardashian $500! Then, just a couple of days later, Kardashian was spotted in Paris with even lighter hair. So, that’ll be $500, plus the cost of a touch-up.
Video · Guess How Much Kim Kardashian Paid for Her New Hair Color…
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Celebrities Kim Kardashian