This week’s sole major opener is a dud. Hot Pursuit starring Reese Witherspoon as a cop and Sofia Vergara as the widow of a drug boss, go on the run in Texas in this action-comedy from director Anne Fletcher. Metacritic users predicted a Metascore of 45, but that proved to be wildly optimistic; many critics are bemoaning the film’s “lazy” writing, among other flaws. The D Train opens on just enough screens to count as a “nationwide” release, is a Jack Black/James Marsden comedy that debuted at Sundance to somewhat decent but not great reviews—which seems to be the consensus today as well. Black plays the head of his high school reunion committee who becomes obsessed with convincing his most popular classmate, now a nationally known commercial actor, to show up with him to their reunion.
Video · Is it a 'Hot Pursuit' or "D-Train" Ride for Friday Film Openings?
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Celebrities Reese Witherspoon Sofia Vergara