Sick of hearing Kim Kardashian bellyaching about her weight? Oh, sorry, your hand got lost in a sea of other hands and can’t be seen, but trust that your sentiment has been recorded. Kim posted yet another “Throwback Thursday” photo where she complains about her “weight gain” since a few years back. Here was her specific caption: “Since it’s award season I will do my Throwback Thursday to the time Kourtney and I went to the Emmys. She was pregnant and I was about 15 to 20 pounds thinner.” Because it’s absolute imperative knowledge that we school ourselves in how frustrated Kim falsely seems to claim she’s just so insecure about her body. Here’s a suggestion tailor-made for Kim — girl, if you’re so bent out of shape about your body, then make peace with the fact that sometimes your body changes after a pregnancy, OK?
Video · Just SHUT UP Already, Kim Kardashian!
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Celebrities Kim Kardashian Lost