Justin Bieber should’ve just answered all those questions in his deposition verbally because now he has to give written answers! Now, a Miami judge is demanding Justin to answer ten pages worth of questions in written form and time is a tickin’ because Bieberoni only has one week before he has to turn in his homework paperwork. One of the questions on the document titled Interrogatories To Defendant Justin Bieber are as follows: Please state the name, address and telephone number of all persons who have traveled with you for every trip you have taken during the past two years. We have a feeling it’s going to take Justin a few hours to list every person he’s taken a trip with. He sure does love to travel with a huge entourage!
Video · Justin Bieber's Cocky Deposition Answers Backfire! Judge Orders The Star To Answer More Questions — And That's Not The Worst Part!
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Celebrities Justin Bieber