Lena Dunhamactress, author, filmmaker, provocateur—admits that comparing Judd Apatow’s fervent distaste for Bill Cosby to someone who’s “obsessed with the Holocaust” wasn’t one of her better bon mots. In a recent interview for Timeout New York, the Girls star was asked about Apatow becoming sort of an unofficial spokesman for those who can’t stand to see the former sitcom star performing and going about his business as usual in the wake of so many women claiming that Cosby either sexually assaulted them or attempted to do so. And Dunham was all for Apatow banging the drum out of respect for any and all alleged victims of sexual abuse. Her preemptive shush comes just as The Hollywood Reporter says that Dunham has added a crisis-management expert and more PR heavyweights to her team.
According to THR, Smith & Co.’s Judy Smith—the inspiration for Scandal’s Olivia Pope—has signed the outspoken 28-year-old as a client, as has PMK-BNC chair and CEO Cindi Berger.