Louis C.K. got nostalgic on Tuesday night as a guest on Late Night with Seth Meyers, a show for which he previously wrote when it was hosted by Conan O’Brien and he was in his 20s.
“You’ll never know how much they hate you!” the comedian told Seth Meyers of staff writers. “I just thought, I just want to get my stuff on the show. Now I know I was working for people, and I should’ve been helping, because they were giving me money.”
Louie would try to sneak his jokes on the air via the announcer, who would say a small joke that “nobody checks” before announcing the host’s name.
“Nobody checks those — you just write them and you hand them to the guy,” he recalled of the late-night loophole. Seizing the opportunity, what dirty joke did he slip? “Last night, he gave me a pearl necklace!”