It’s Megan Fox and Nick Cannon versus Jimmy Fallon and Wiz Khalifa! The celebrities played a few rounds of Pictionary on The Tonight Show Wednesday. Fox, who was up first, was tasked with drawing a “frog in your throat.” With 30 seconds on the clock, she tried to illustrate the phrase—but time ran out. When it was the host’s turn to draw a “puppeteer”, Khalifa got the answer with 13 seconds to spare. Khalifa was nervous to draw a “corn dog”—and rightfully so. Fallon joked, “The frog’s face looked more like a human than the human face.” When it was the host’s turn to draw a “puppeteer”, Khalifa got the answer with 13 seconds to spare. With the score 0-1 in Fallon and Khalifa’s favor, the third round was crucial for Fox and Cannon.