Thanks for spilling the beans, Brad Paisley! Carrie Underwood reclaimed her spot on the CMA Awards stage with her country-singing co-host, and during the pair’s opening monologue tonight, Paisley started joking around about Underwood’s pregnancy. He quipped, “And we’re pregnant!,” which caused Carrie to interject, “Brad, I don’t remember you being there.” He responded, “Carrie, you can’t keep me out of this child’s life,” and begged to know whether she’s having a boy or a girl. After some persuading, she pulled him aside and whispered in his ear. Paisley gloated, “I know something you all don’t know. Suck it, TMZ,” but it wasn’t long before everyone knew what he knew. While talking about Garth Brooks, Brad accidentally (maybe?) said, “We should name him Garth!” and gestured to Carrie’s baby bump. BOOM, the cat’s out of the bag.