While hosting SNL on Saturday, Reese Witherspoon was joined by a person she called “the love of my life.”
Nope, it wasn’t her husband—it was her mother, Betty Witherspoon! Mama Witherspoon took part in the monologue, which saw cast members appear on stage with their moms and apologize to them for things they say they did when they were younger.
Reese told her, “OK, this is bad guys, but Mom, I’m really sorry that that one time in high school, I told you that I was going to go sleep over at Ashley’s house, but instead, I checked into a hotel with my boyfriend, But then I felt so guilty, that I left and went back to Ashley’s house. Do you forgive me?”
Betty replied, “Of course, Sweetheart, And now me and the other moms have something we want to apologize for. We’re sorry that we’re about to show a bunch of home videos of you kids.”