While newlywed Kim Kardashian is off attending a wedding in Prague with husband Kanye West, the ex-boyfriend who helped put her name on the map via a 2003 sex tape is back in the news as well. And not in a good way. Singer/producer/reality star Ray J was arrested Friday in Beverly Hills after kicking out a patrol car window and spitting at an officer outside a hotel, where police had been called to investigate an accusation he’d inappropriately touched a woman at the bar. Officers found the contact was incidental, and the singer agreed to leave. {olice say Ray J, whose legal name is William Ray Norwood, refused to leave, became unruly and used his feet to shatter a patrol car window after being taken into custody. The charges include vandalism, resisting arrest and battery on a police officer.
Video · Singer Ray J Arrested After Dustup At L.A. Hotel
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Celebrities Kanye West Kim Kardashian