South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are known for pushing boundaries in their long-running show, and their most recent episode is no exception. The episode contains a “Women of Rock” concert plotline that features animated versions of Iggy Azalea, Miley Cyrus, Lorde and Nicki Minaj performing their “songs.” But before Lorde is set to take the stage, she says that she doesn’t want to sing in front of everyone because she doesn’t sound the same live. A bootylicious version of Azalea doesn’t take too kindly to Lorde’s comment, and she immediately attacks the “Royals” singer, verbally and physically. But the tables certainly turn at the end of the concert, when Lorde takes the stage only to act lewdly in order to impress the fans enough to comment.
Video · South Park Pits Iggy Azalea, Miley Cyrus, Lorde and Nicki Minaj Against Each Other
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Celebrities Iggy Azalea Lorde Miley Cyrus Nicki Minaj