Jamie Dornan plays a serial killer in a television show called “The Fall.” Dornan went to some extremes to get inside his character’s head: “The first series, I did do a couple of things to try to get inside [his mind]. On the tube, which is our underground system … Can we get arrested for this? Hold on … this is a really bad reveal: I, like, followed a woman off the train one day to see what it felt like to pursue someone like that. It felt kind of exciting, in a really sort of dirty way. I’m sort of not proud of myself. But I do honestly think I learned something from it, because I’ve obviously never done any of that. It was intriguing and interesting to enter that process of ‘what are you following her for?’ and ‘what are you trying to find out?'”
Video · This is Called "Scary," Jamie Dornan
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Celebrities Jamie Dornan