Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg went head to head on The View this morning while the two were debating the topic of racism in America. The heated discussion shouting match occurred after guest co-host Laverne Cox said she believes that “is racist when black folks are followed around stores and profiled,” at which point Whoopi to the floor—and O’Donnell wasn’t having it. Safe to say this fight won’t help those incessant feud rumors. Goldberg began,
“I’ve been black for 60 years. For me, stupidity, there are dumb folks who just say dumb stuff because they’re not looking or paying attention to the person they’re talking to which is why people could walk up to Obama and not look up at him and see that it’s the president.” “But that’s subconscious racism,” co-host Rosie Perez argued before sharing her own personal experience as O’Donnell nodded in agreement. “When my sister Carmen and I were in San Antonio—we were in an exclusive hotel, we’re in exclusive VIP lounge, there are millions of people, right? We walk in and they asked my sister Carmen to clean the table.”
Goldberg then questioned whether Perez’s experience was truly racism or if it was more “ridiculousness,” causing O’Donnell to explode with anger.
“It’s both,” she said as Goldberg replied, “I just see it as stupid. Stupid. That’s just me.”