On Friday, Sofia Vergara sat down for an interview with Page Six, in which the sexy Latina got candid about the challenges she faced while filming her new movie, Fading Gigolo. In the film, the Modern Family actress plays the role of a sexually experimental character, who engages in a steamy threesome with two other characters, played by Sharon Stone and John Turturro. She came away from the experience with a new outlook on love, sex, and life in general. Vergara went on to say, “and after seeing the movie, it’s true, some people are lonely and I think life is short and you should do whatever you need to do to make yourself happy and enjoy your life.” The outspoken actress finalized her thoughts on paying for sex by adding “And if you can afford it, why not?”
Video · Sofia Vergara On Paying For Sex, ‘If You Can Afford It, Why Not?’
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Celebrities Sofia Vergara